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Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Dear @Peri 

Hello my friend, it was so nice to see your name pop up in my notifications just now.  I have been thinking of you a lot over the past few weeks.  But as you know ... I have been somewhat preoccupied with other things over the last few weeks.  I got home last night however, after my Mums funeral last Friday. I hope to be around again a bit more from now on.  I would hope that I can try to offer some comfort and support to you, as you have done for me over a period of time.


So sorry you appear to have fallen into another black hole.  I had thought you were sounding a little brighter last time I read an update from you.  But I guess that is the typical roller coaster of depression and anxiety.


I dont think I can offer any real advice, because quite frankly, I guess you could say that I am in much the same condition as you right now.  In a black hole, which looks steep and impossible to climb out of right now.  But I will just founder around in the bottom of the hole for a time and regain some strength. Then I will try again to climb my way out of it. Although I cannot offer any solutions, I most certainly can relate to how you feel, and wish so much that I could help you. At least knowing that others care and support us, does mean a lot, as you rightly stated.


Please know that you can come here anytime you feel a need to talk ... about anything you want.  This can offer a release that we often badly need.  I hope to hear back from you again soon.


Sherry 🌸🐶💕

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thank you very much and for replying so quickly, especially at this sad time for you

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hello dear @Peri 

Just quickly calling by to let you know that I am thinking of you.  Havent heard from you in a while, so hoping you're okay.

Sherry 💕



Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Former-Member 

@you will be with your father now. I hope that you manage to have some close times with him and that clearing out your mother’s things is not overwhelmingly sad.

 I am ok, I am really finding life and managing very hard to cope with at the moment. I feel sad and extremely anxious.  It is grey here , not excessively cold, but gloomy. I hate this kind of weather. I like sunshine.  It lightens life.

my dogs are playing together.

i have been thinking about you a lot and know how sad this time is for you.  I hope everything else is ok for you


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

sorry to hear you are finding things hard at the moment @Peri 

hoping you can find some self care for youurself in between xx

I have been thinking a lot of our @Former-Member too and hoping she does not get too overwhelmed this week before coming back home

yes we need some lovly sunshine for a while i think @Peri 

Hello @Faith-and-Hope , @Appleblossom , @BryanaCamp 


holding hands.jpg







Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thanks @Shaz51 

your words and thoughts are appreciated.  August is marching along fast as is the year.  I am already dreading Christmas, but trying not to. I am still finding it though at the moment, the days challenge me.  Evening comes and I feel more at peace, I have managed another day.  And at night I can’t be got at.  I would really like to feel more contented, and do try but it is so hard.  I know the things I need to do to make things better, but just can’t do them, not even if I break it all down into small pieces.

how are You?


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hello my dear @Peri. I'm so glad you posted last night. Because I had not seen your post to me from 14th August. Yes I was staying with my Dad by then, having left home on 13th August. While there I did not have access to my email or the Sane site. For some reason I was unable to log in, or it took so long that I got timed out. Not sure .. but I lost track of all my notifications and tags during the 8 days I was away. And its taken ages to try to catch up again. I have been back only 6 days now, and I seem to have packed a lot into those 6 days. All been very tiring.

Anyway, I feel that I have neglected you lately, and I apologise for that. I know you too have been going through a particularly difficult time of late. But I am slowly catching up on threads from while I was away, and hope to be more responsive again from now on.

Yes it was a very difficult 8 days at my Dads. But I got such a lot done, and was quite pleased with myself. All Mums personal effects were gone through and fairly distributed amongst those who could use them, thankfully with no rancour between the relevant parties. Which was a relief, given my sister can be very difficult. So all Mums clothes, bags, shoes, hats, etc have been gone through and anything of no use to family, has been given to charity shops. She had some lovely clothes, but too big for me or my sister in law. She lost a lot of weight in the past year, but didnt buy much in the smaller sizes. But I know someone will appreciate them. Oh .. and scarves ... Mum was a collector of them it seems. I kept dragging more and more scarves out of cupboards, drawers, bags, pockets, cars, etc. She honestly has 100s of them. All sorts ... light floaty ones, thick woolly ones, beautiful silk ones. I have kept a few that I particularly liked, as has other family members. I gave some away to Vinnies, but kept many others in a large wicker basket. Didnt have the heart to give them all away. I will go through them again next time I'm down.

Unfortunately both my Mum and my Dad are dreadful hoarders ... never throw anything out. So I also managed to go through a lot of my dads clothing while there, and made space for the things he needs to access. There were boxes and boxes of books, magazines, old clothes, empty bags, old bedding, etc all lining the walls of both their bedrooms. I have gone through it all and ditched rubbish and stored other things in their very large 6 bay garage in the back yard. A big job. But at least now Dad has an unobstructed area in which to walk through his bedroom, kitchen, lounge and hallway. Even the front door was blocked with half a dozen large boxes of 'stuff'. Fire danger in itself. So that was a job well done.

Unfortunately there are still lots of things left to do the next trip I take there. Mum also collected ornaments and nick knacks of all sorts. I considered them to be household effects however, rather than personal effects. So they are Dads as well, so I did not distribute any of those. I will let Dad think about it and maybe do something about some of it next visit.

Jewellery was the thing I found most difficult. Only a few pieces of any real value - wedding, engagement and eternity rings, which went to my sister in law who will keep them to pass on to their kids if or when they ever get married. Besides that she had a set of diamond stud earrings, which one went to each of her grandsons (both wear single earings, so could share) and a couple of other rings - my sister got an emerald one, and I got an opal ring which fitted me perfectly. But it was many of the other jewellery items which brought a few tears. Items I recall her buying or wearing on particular occasions. It was all quite emotional really.

My Dad now has meals delivered each day, which means someone is checking on him at least once daily. And he has someone come in once a week now for personal care and also for cleaning, or whatever else he needs doing. He could have more assistance if he wants it, but for now its enough. He wants to remain at home longer term. His little bid for independence did not last all that long however. I left last Tuesday and by that night he had taken a bad fall and given himself a black eye, a skinned head, a bung knee and a twisted neck. Being on blood thinners, he needed to be watched in case of a possible brain bleed. The home care people insisted he see a Dr, which he did. So he ended up having a few nights back on the farm with my brother. But back home again now, and hopefully no further dramas.

Well @Peri, winter is almost over, and I hope that results in a less gloomy outlook for you. I know the sunshine brings a bit of light into your life. So I hope that is not far away. Try not to think about Christmas, its still a long way away. You sound the opposite to me, the days are not so bad, but the nights are more difficult for me. A distinct lack of peace, despite the quiet.

Contentment is something we could all work on I suppose. At least you know what needs to be worked on to make things better. Thats more than many of us know! Certainly me. I have to agree though, that the actual 'doing' of those things is the hard part. Especially when it comes to depression. With my PTSD, I almost accept the anxiety side of things, which is with me all the time. But when I have these bouts of depression on top of it ... thats when I really struggle. But I will get through .. I know that ... because I always do. Despite how hard it often seems.

I'm glad you have your dogs, and your son and your grand daughter to keep you company. It all makes a positive difference, even if sometimes it seems like an imposition.

Hi also to others who visit this thread, some of whom I havent seen here in a while @BryanaCamp @Appleblossom @Zoe7 @Starta. Always good to see you @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope

Sherry 💕


Image result for thinking of you

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

ohhh Hugs @Former-Member , @Peri HeartHeart

been thinking a lot of you today xxx

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thank you @Shaz51 , and hello @Former-Member  as well, and others who kindly think of me.

spring has sprung inPerth and the sun is warm  and shiny.  It does help my mood.  But the downside is that now I have no excuse for not getting out in the sun and doing my massive weeding project. It is overwhelming and I don’t seem to be able to focus on doing one part at a time. 

I have been very anxious recently and am not sure what is triggering it.  I worry a lot about not having enough money, just for everyday stuff, and that is tru.  I have never been in this situation before in my life, but I feel powerless to do anything about is really stressful.

i am slowly adjusting to living where I am now, but I miss my home dreadfully. It is not the house I miss, but the sense of the home I made for over 22 years.  I wish I could shake it, but I just can’t.  Ah well. Thanks for listening


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

doing my massive weeding project.-- @Peri  it can be very overwhelming my friend , sometimes it is just soo hard to get going --- but once you do , it will seem better xoxo

sending you understanding hugs @Peri HeartHeart

hello and hugs to @Former-Member , @Faith-and-Hope , @Appleblossom , @BryanaCamp  and @Gazza75 Heart