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Frustration of a Carer


I would like to ask, are there others out there that get annoyed when medical people and support workers who keep telling you "Your son is an adult, its got nothing to do with you." My son is one of the ones that gets looked down upon, branded (he gets angry easy) and there has even been times where people use his triggers to get a reaction. A few months ago he was with a service that set him back 12months and he also tried to end his life. They keep going as nothing has happened and that they have done nothing wrong. So many people that are meant to be trained have no idea how to handle his issues and behaviours. He lives with me and his two younger siblings, so it is my business because we deal with his behaviour when people dont treat him in the right way. It is actually easy when you know him ( Yes i tell them, but some dont realize i am trying to help not only them but my son.) He has suffered major trauma, anxiety, depression,schizophrenic, on the spectrum, ABI. So intillectually he is not his age. I love him dearly and we have good times and bad times. My pet hate however is people that put others in the too hard basket and also forget that everyone has the right to be treated like a human being. In saying that i understand mental health is hard and medical staff, carers, support workers, police and sometimes the public experience difficult situations. But, there are some that get in their face, stand over them, belittle them and treat them like an infant, and are slightly aggresive themselves in body language and tone. We all can learn new stratagies and we always need to remeber there is a manner that should be used with mental health sufferer, and its not aggression.


Re: Frustration of a Carer

Hi Tess2,

As a trainer in the Community Health Sector, I would say that working with people is not just black and white, there are different shades. I think that support  workers and others are taking what they have learnt and using that alone as the way to interact with clients. I have always taught my students, although you need to put your client first that there are ,many other factors that need to be considered. Such as interactions with familty members and full time carers. These people do know the client the best and what is the best way to interact with them. Best of luck.

Re: Frustration of a Carer

Sadly I"ve seen people treat my husband this way for 25 years. He has a physical illness which has, over that time, resulted in a mental illness from people treating him like this. He is not in anyway mentally impared but he's been called lazy, had to give himself medical treatment in hospital settings (because it's "empowering" which was just lazy nurses), been spoken to like he's worthless by more than one Dr. 
Sometimes you wonder why people get into the medical field when they dislike the patients so much.

Re: Frustration of a Carer

Sorry to disagree i have seen it first hand.

Re: Frustration of a Carer

It is sad. You find out who is there for the money. also they chose the profession their in, no one forced them. Better luck in the future.

Re: Frustration of a Carer

I absolutely agree and because your child is an adult we get left out of the loop too.  The medical profession etc need to remember we are the ones dealing with the person most of the time and care must be more inclusive.

Not applicable

Re: Frustration of a Carer

Re: Frustration of a Carer


Re: Frustration of a Carer

Hello and hugs @Karli@ALRWA@Letitia@Tess2 

 we are here for you , you are not alone my friends xx

thank you @Former-Member Heart

Please clink on to the link that @Former-Member showed you so you will get a emeil message on the day on the topic tuesday xxxx

Re: Frustration of a Carer

So true