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Re: not coping

@Snowie 💚

Re: not coping

Sorry to hear you didn't get much sleep last night hun @outlander 

Hoping your day isn't too busy and you can at least rest for some of it.

Your pain seems to be hindering you a lot lately. That appt. for the pain specialist can't come quick enough.


Re: not coping

Sorry you got next to no sleep @outlander .  


Your 27C sounds pretty pleasant, compared to our 35C here today.  Although its meant to reach that temp by midday, before a cooler changes comes through in the early afternoon.  So hopefully it wont be stinking hot for too long this time.  Unlike last Sunday.  Ive never been someone who likes the heat, much preferring cool weather.  But now, with these surgery wounds continuing to be very sensitive and tender, its even worse.  Skin gets hot and sticky and the scar tissue rubs on everything. The boob scar rubs against my arm all the time. It really hurts and is very uncomfortable.


Ouch ... a headache which gets worse with pain killlers?  Perhaps you have an allergy or other reaction to whatever is in the painkillers ... have you looked into that?  Gosh ... I too hope sincerely that the pain clinic can help you Li'l One.  With all your many and varied aches, pains, allergies and sensitivities you wouldnt know where to start.  I used to sleep on my stomach a lot.  Cant now though, not since surgery anyway.  Hoping I eventually can again, but think thats a fair way off.  I think radiation therapy will also affect that ability.  Oh well.  Anyway ... I really hope things settle for you a little during today. Everything usually feels worse in the night hours, I find.  Maybe you can even find a chance to have a rest somewhere in your day.  Wrapping xmas presents under the fan?  Hmmm .... I could do a comedy sketch on that one. 😊  Good luck. 


Emelia 💞🌸

Re: not coping

It really is affecting me @Snowie and after the gyno appt on friday looks like im out of options for that too 😞
I havent been a drill sergeant lately when it comes to the strictness of my diet (mostly cause of finances the past 3 days and everything being more expensive) so abit of it is my fault there but the dr thinks i could also have an egg intolerance or something else so am waiting for those results to come backtoo.

Re: not coping

I sorry to hear how much it is affecting you hun @outlander 

It does seem to be expensive to buy the 'right' sort of food. 

It is hard when our body doesn't agree with us, I hope the doctor has some answers for you hun.


You deserve to be pain free.


Re: not coping

Oh @outlander I am sending you gentle hugs hugs and hugs ❤️💞❣️


Are the painkillers coated with lactose or contain? Most are, can be worse than the cause? 

Hope you get some rest today hun. I'll keep you in my thoughts xx


Re: not coping

@Snowie yeah it makes things tricky and i have to often buy different things between me and pop too cause hes not flexible

Re: not coping

Unfortunately the pain releief isnt the problem as in its not coated ans says doesnt contain lactose etc. It also means i have to weigh up whether i want a bad headache over another pain so right now i have a mild headache but my hip is really painful i would take some pain releief but i know my headache and stomach will get more upset so im avoiding it for now and will just have to manage till Thursday when i can get back to the chiro. They are like rebound effects 🤷‍♀️ @Anastasia 

Re: not coping

Im not a heat person either @Emelia8 id much rather winter weather all yr round though today is suppose to be the hottest for the next week. The rest of the week sits around 23 degrees so that's ok. Theres abit of a breeze atm hopefully itll stay that way so it wont get to 27.
Hopefully the surgical wounds heal before summer gets even worse 🥵

The pain releief im not sure, they are similar to rebound effects but they use to always burn my throat so im not sure. I cant take many others because they are coated or they are anti-inflammatory meds which i cant take so its making it very difficult.

Lol i use to love wrapping presents and christmas but im struggling to get into it this yr. I just ordered a new tree and decorations cause i cant find mine anywhere and i really cant be bothered lol.
My paper and decor match though so at least itll look pretty. Pop likes christmas so im planning that when he goes with the carer on wednesday for a few hrs ill decorate inside the house for him since outside i finished yesterday-just need a powerboard for the plug in lights

Re: not coping

Sounds like you're making Christmas special for your Pop @outlander .. you are a very special, thoughtful and kind person and granddaughter Li'l One. 😄💖


Emelia 🌷