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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

What a week

Well it's been a hard week for me after going manic on too much meds I ended up having seizures. Spent week in medical ward had mental breakdown but on mend now. It's been 3 years since my last seizures now I have MRI tommorow. On new meds strong so been in bed all of today.

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Re: What a week

Hello @Gypsy7

That sounds like such a stressful week you have had, I am glad you are currently okay after your seizures and on the mend now, I can't imagine how concerning all of that was. I realy think the full moon and eclipse played a role in everyone having such an incredibly tough week, are you just trying to focus on resting today and this week? Seems like you may need to really look after yourself at the moment and let your body rest, how are you feeling?


Senior Contributor

Re: What a week

Hi lunar had more seizures and had to be admitted again for 4 days. This time I saw a specialist. Who traced all my records of seizures from S.A and Tassie. Very thorough. Had EEG Friday. Had meltdown in hospital and had stupid negative suicidal thoughts. Got irritable and cried a river of tears. But came home to the man I love and felt better. Could eat yesterday without vommiting which was good. Treated myself yesterday to some new derwent pencils and drawing paper. Got some nice flowers from old worker. Hopefully I get some answers after EEG. Having trouble sleeping solidly up every two hours. But I slept a lot in hospital. Anyway back to meditation. Thanks for advice
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