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New Member Saying Hi!

Good morning to all you amazing people,

I have just joined the forum and I wanted to say hi, I have been reading other posts and all of you are such incredible people. I personally searched for a place like this for support a few years ago and was at a loss, but now I have found you guys, I think I have some valuable stories to share, if anything to show you that eventually, you can make it out the other side because there is always hope!

So firstly about my bipolar. To be clear, my bipolar is not actually mine... it belongs to my best friend, my partner in crime, my soulmate, but most appropriately my superhero! My partner was diagnosed with depression in his early 20's and not long into our relationship (after much encouragement from me to seek help), it wasn’t until his mid twenties we changed tack (and GP) and approached his condition as bipolar. Seems like a great story right... but yes, we too have been through the nightmare that is diagnosis, medication cocktail balancing, ups, downs, violence, hospitalisations, police call outs and many counselling options... but guess what, we made it... we are here, just shy of our thirties, with a good balance of medications, regular check in's with our psych, and now tackling "normal" life challenges without too much interference from his crazy side. Don’t get me wrong, he has his days... as I have mine, but mostly, we live a fairly normal existence, which is an amazing achievement from where we began!

I know what it is like to search in all corners of the internet at all hours of the day and night for advice, support, understanding...hope... so I feel if I can help anyone else avoid feeling like they are the only one living this struggle, then that is the least I can be doing.

Thanks for having me, and I look forward to contributing wherever I can

Tigs xx


Not applicable

Re: New Member Saying Hi!

Hi @Tiggeroo,


Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story here.


Sounds like you and your partner have gone through some ups and downs together. Isn't this amazing to hear journey like yours?


I hope to see you more often and like you said, we have some great members here who are very supportive of each other. Have fun!



Re: New Member Saying Hi!

Hi and welcome to the forum.  

I'm looking forward to reading your contributions and also wanted to congratulate you on surviving such difficult, and very relatable, times.  

You say thanks for having me, and I say thanks for joining.

Janna ❤️

Re: New Member Saying Hi!

Ups and downs is bang on @Former-Member haha, but honestly as crazy as our journey has been, i have been lucky, my partner came to terms quickly with his situation and was open to discussion and treatment options making our journey easier than some. He has been amazing, he IS amazing and i tell him everyday. I am a very lucky girl! xx

Re: New Member Saying Hi!

@Tiggeroo - Congratulations on your success story. It definitely is inspirational and gives some if us some hope. The tough part is initially choosing to stick by your partner through this and recognising it will not be easy PLUS having your partner recognise the problem and seeking help. But life is a journey of ups and downs.

Hopefully there be more success stories being shared to give others hope and faith. As you know I am hoping mine be one but only time will tell. One can hope and pray!