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Same SANE, new look

Hey Forumites! 


The next time you log into the forums, we might have a new look!  We're getting an updated website (and it's very pretty!)


What does this mean for the forums? 

Our forums might look a little different, but we're still the very same at heart! As always, all of you, plus our amazing community guides and peer support workers are people with lived experience. 

It might take a little while to get used to the new look, and I’ll definitely be taking my time to get used to it!  
You can always check out Forums how to – general tips and tricks! for info on how to use the forums 😊 


Any other updates?  


Tell us what you think! 



Re: Same SANE, new look

@chibam you are correct 😉

Re: Same SANE, new look

@Christheart 😊

Re: Same SANE, new look


Ah huh ! 😸 There you go... I was unduly shocked at the change... But I think I'm just overly sensitive 😹

Change can be good. We can help each other get used to it! 😹🫂💖

Re: Same SANE, new look

Hi @Former-Member and team, I am wondering with the new SANE Strategic Plan 2022 and the newer descriptions here as to what SANE 'does', do we have bright colours in the new look site. Bright colours are widely seen as a distraction for those with autism yet bright pink in particular is used in this new look in several places. I am also wondering why pink? as it is also a colour attributed more readily to Beyond Blue. The turquoise colour in the new SANE icon is also very bright and it is difficult to see the SANE name in it. The more traditional blue that has been in the SANE logos would be more appropriate - and not as confronting.

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Re: Same SANE, new look

Hi @Zoe7 ! Firstly, it's nice to 'meet' you again 🙂 Those are all really good questions, and I've passed those on to our marketing team, who are better placed than I am to go into the thinking behind those choices. We'll have a space coming soon where you can give feedback, and hear more about what lies behind the changes. Would be OK if I tag you there when that's up? Hope you're having a good afternoon 

Re: Same SANE, new look

Hi again @Former-Member It seems that we as a community are never consulted in these new changes and with over 32,000 members it would seem a massive oversight as we are the ones that use the site and are a ready-made target audience. I don't mean to be disrespectful but how can a marketing team overlook those that are already participants in a site - seems a very big mistake and one that should always be a priority when changes are considered that affect those actually using the service.


Please do tag me into any feedback thread. I will be very interested to examine where the 'ideas' behind these changes come from.

Re: Same SANE, new look

Is there a way of making the like buttons give an obvious indication as to whether you've already liked a post or not? Right now, there's no visual change when you like a post, aside from the like counter increasing.


If you come back sometime later to re-read a thread, there's no way of telling whether you've already liked a post or not.

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Re: Same SANE, new look

Hi @chibam,

I see what you mean with the support button, it's kind of tricky to navigate and I was finding the same thing too. I'm going to tag our Team Leader in here so she can see this feedback and respond when she's next available @Former-Member.


Re: Same SANE, new look

Okay. Thanks, @Former-Member . 🙂

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