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I hate anxiety

I hate anxiety.  

I hate being in control and feeling great one minute to feeling so anxious that I start self-harming the next.   

6 weeks break as a teacher, most people would be jumping up and down.  

1 more week of work and holidays begin and my anxiety is starting to sore. I hate this long break. I hate the aloness I feel. I hate family pain it brings up. 

So anxiety builds, my panic rises and my mind keeps working hard at stopping oneself from relieving this feeling by harming myself instead.   


Re: I hate anxiety

Hi @Nancy1 

I haven't met you before so welcome to the Sane forums.

It seem like you are going through alot at the moment and it is hard to control your axiety.


I would suggest you reach out for help.

Have you got any distraction techniques you could use to try and not self harm?

Do you have any support such as a psych or a pdoc?


I know all to well how hard it is to control those self harm thoughts and to not do it. Reaching out on here is one of the hardest steps to do so well done for that.


Please keep reaching out for support.



Re: I hate anxiety

Thanks @Snowie.
Hard indeed to control thoughts. I don't have many ways to distract me. Mostly music.
I do see a psychologist but not too helpful.

Re: I hate anxiety

Hi @Nancy1 

I'm sorry that you don't find your psych not that helpful. Is there any chance you can start seeing another psych at all? I know how hard it is to find a good one.


Music is a great way to distract yourself and I am glad you have that. If you google self care then lost of suggestions should come up for you to try.


Hope your day goes well today.

Snowie 💜

Re: I hate anxiety

Hey Nancy1

I been through these feeling myself, I use to dread holidays and the quite before sleeping, I would take on another job just so I could keep myself busy just so mind was interactive with something. Nancy1 are getting any treatment, or self-help etc, to help with anxiety? I had tremendous experince with a Therapy called CBT ( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) It has been life changing for me and the anxiety these days is not even noticeable. This is from a person that had panic attacks at least twice a week and I was hospitalised several time for panic attacks, now these it nearly a distant memory. Nancy1 give CBT a try and there are some great Depression and Anxiety programs that I have and more out there. There is always hope and recovery is possible, if can recover so can you.

Warm Regards
