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Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

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This week we’re wondering what you like about your work.

Whether it be a paid job or a volunteering role, we would love to hear what you like about your job (or used to like if you’re not working at the moment).

We know that with Mental Illness there are sometimes compromises to make in regards to work. The job you planned to do may not be the one you’re actually doing, or able to do – yet still it can be rewarding.

Recently @Former-Member shared her story and it was inspiring to hear about her journey to a job in which she feels happy.

We would love to hear from you, please join @Renstar from Ostara this week for Career Chat at 12pm til 5pm.

Two things you can do now

1) Hit the 'Like' button below to get an email reminder on the day

2) Can't make the session? Leave your question or comment below.


Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Hi @NikNik @Renstar & Ostara

Great question!!

I have always worked as an admin officer most of my working career.  But about 10 years ago I was bullied at work by a builder. So after 5 months I left and my friend offered me a job as a pharmacy assistant in the same area that I live in.

I took the job and enjoyed working there, meeting so many nice customers wanting to have a chat. After a few years we were struggling financially as we had 3 children in a private catholic school and the fees were huge. So after 4 years in pharmacy I decided to leave and got an admin job which paid really well ($400 extra fortnight).

Then came my MI issues in 2010.  I couldn't work in admin; it was getting too stressful. At the time there were govt cuts and my dept was severly cut back, so I decided to leave.  I ended up going back to pharmacy and worked there for 2 years.  As my hours were getting cut back there as well I decided to take up a full time position in the old pharmacy where I first started close to home.

I worked 5 days a week for a year and then had to be hospitalised.  I then cut back to 4 days and now 3 days.  I have taken a pay cut but I feel that at the moment my health is more important than the extra couple of hundred dollars, even though we are struggling. I know we will get there one day.

I love working where I am, we have a great team of staff who are supportive of each other. It is so close to home which I like.  The pay isn't that great but I have to weigh up the pros and cons and for me at the present moment I can only do what I am doing.  My manager and supervisor are well aware of my mental health issues and are supportive when i do go to hospital.

I do miss my admin work, I love typing.  Maybe one day I can go back to admin.  But maybe not.  I think we change as we get older, my confidence is not the same anymore, my concentration is not good and I tend to forget things quite a bit. So maybe I will stay where I am.  The best part of my job is looking out the window at the beautiful bay. I go out there at lunchtime and enjoy the view. I am lucky to work in such a good place 🙂


Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Looking forward to this. Work has saved our life 🙂

Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Saved mine too @Former-Member. 🎶💕

Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Hi and welcome to today's forum, today we're talking about what we like about work and already there have been some great responses ...

Thanks to @NikNik@BlueBay@Kurra and @Former-Member and also welcome to @Lochlyn who was also interested in joining in ...

I do believe the right type of work definitely promotes wellness and there are many things to like about work ... although I must say I'm biased as I run a program that seeks to engage participants in that very idea - that work can make you well!. 

Many times I have heard from clients, 'work saved me', and now I also have it confirmed by you guys on the forum - that work really is a key factor in helping us deal with both our MI, our disabilities and our lives.

Those lucky enough to have found work that we like we would really love to hear from you today ... it's the end of the year and the second last CareerChat so let's end off with some stories and reflection about how what you really do like about your work!

@BlueBay has begun the ball rolling with a really honest and very moving story, thanks @BlueBay you have been a great contributor over the year and it's great to hear that you love working where you are and that whilst it's different from what you were doing before ... it's still something that makes you smile Smiley Happy

Also ... if you're interested in going off topic and discussing something else feel free and a heads up too - next week will be free topic CareerChat as the final one for the year ... talk about anything you want Smiley Very Happy

Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Thanks @Renstar for your kind comments. 😊

Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

I was just chatting to a former client who had a very difficult marital experience and left her home town and family to be alone in the big city ... it was a very difficult time and when we met she was not working.

Today she shared that she's now working and the work she is currently doing is at a sheep shearing station in the outback of Australia.

Wow! She commented that it was not something she necessarily liked (at first anyway) but something she realises is helping her to survive ...

The distance from her 'normal life' was key to providing her with the mental and physical space she needed to be able to see more clearly.

Sometimes work provides us with the space we need to be able to distance or distract ourselves from the mental illness space, and we gain clarity or at least a much needed break ...

She likened it to being on a pilgrimage or a retreat - all she sees is sun, dirt and flies whilst cooking for the guys on the sheep station ... the physicality of the work was also helping her mental state.

What is it about your work that has helped you?


Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

It's been one of those day ... catching up with former clients and participants of programs I've run in the past and they've been sharing about their work situation ...

Some of the comments have been - work has been my saviour, it's made a huge difference in my life! 

Another commented that work was great until her MI played up ... we discussed that it's times like these when a compassionate workplace comes in handy.

Fortunately for her she is able to take some time off to do what's right for her.

Is your workplace somewhere that you can take time off if you need downtime for your MI or disability? I think @BlueBay mentioned that hers was a place like this.

Isn't that something that makes your work, whilst maybe not what you originally wanted, at least somewhere safe and where you can be yourself?

Any thoughts?

Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

You're welcome @BlueBay! I hope you're having a good day Smiley Very Happy

Re: Career Chat // What do you like about your work? // Friday 18 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

My MI team and my workplace make me go to work. As the medicos and the workplace have said -I much safer at work than at home alone. I can't argue with them because it is true! I must add that my workplace has helped me heaps. I'm so glad I disclosed right from the first contact with them. My application.