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Re: I’m leaving

So sorry to hear that @BlueBay, please look after yourself and we'll all be here if your medical team says that it is ok to come back on. Heart 

Re: I’m leaving

Hello @BlueBay 


The title of your post caught my eye...

I am thankful that you used that title...succinct ...

will definitely help others...

we all as individuals have our own journeys and are at different stages in healing...

Whilst it is hard to say goodbye...

It shows strength and determination on your part in being able to carry it out under the guidance and advice of your specialists...

It is sad...heart wrenching...

does induce feelings of leaving a safe place...

I have been advised the very same some time ago ....

I disagreed and tapered off my time on here...There were as with yourself those with whom I felt I needed to keep in touch there for them as they have been there for me...

I realise now that I am weaning myself gradually...I am doing it my way rather than cold turkey...this is what works for me...

I may even decide not to leave altogether...continue to check in when I can...allowing space..

there is a downside to this though as I am not aware of latest situations...

I am not a chat person at all...hate text messaging ...usually just ring back...

I believe that as sad as you will find the best way for you within yourself...guided by your specialists with whom you are entrusting your care....

your specialists who are helping you to be in a better place for have so much ahead of you to look forward to...even though it probably sounds so hollow and perhaps even outrageous...

So @BlueBay I just want to say I know how you feel...

You can come back at any time...I do suggest you discuss this option with your specialists so that everything is upfront and honest to help in the best recovery for you moving forward...

Might catch you floating by at the same time that I do one day...if not...within the realm of being...

all the best

not sure if you will get to read this or might have already gone...

no matter...


Re: I’m leaving

Just in case you look in to see if there are messages @BlueBay 


I miss you - I hope you can find another sympathetic doctor to talk to if you are finding things really hard - 


Sending hugs



Re: I’m leaving

Hi to all my dear and beautiful friends @Owlunar @Sophia1 @Ali11 @Matt12 @Ant7 @greenpea @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member @Razzle @Shaz51 @Former-Member @CheerBear @MDT @Former-Member @outlander @saturnzoon @Appleblossom 

and others reading this 🙂


I can't stay away, i just can't.    I feel that i am not strong enough to stay away.  Hope this doesn't mean that I am weak in coming back.  I didn't do what i said i was going to do.


I have missed you all so much.  Not coming on here to chat with you guys has made me even more anxious, really really sad and abandoned.  Not abandoned by you guys but just feeling so so alone.


Part of me thinks "stuff the professionals, what do they know" and part of me sort of understands.  I understand that they are saying to me to stay away from using the forum daily as it is not good for my mental health.  And as for my doctor saying "just go for a walk, instead of using the forum".  Well that part made me really angry.  In fact the next appt i have with him i will let him know how angry he made me feel.  And i might even email my psych today to let him how i am feeling.  I won't be seeing him again until September so i need to get it off my chest.


I am still going to see my doctor fortnightly for now until we both feel I am able to extend the appts out a bit.  But i need my physical health monitored especially my blood pressure and also my mental health.  He did say though that i can call him whenever i need to.


Part of me wants to believe that they have my best interest to help me get better.  But after seeing my psych i am left feeling very deflated and angry towards him.  I know he is very good with his meds but i am not happy with his bedside manner in hospital or when i am at his rooms.  He lacks empathy.  Whereas my previous psych was so good with empathy always listening to me talk.  I changed psychs because at one point this psych prescribed me a very potent med that sent me into hospital and they were shocked that i was prescribed this.  It was terrible, so then my doctor wanted me to see my current one for a secondn opinion and review of meds.  Part of me feels scared and acts like a child when i see my current psych.  Maybe it's his lack of empathy that makes me feel like this.  I don't know.  I am seeing my psychologist in a few weeks and i will discuss this with her as she knows my psych.


Maybe i need to just cut back on here instead of daily.  But at the moment I just can't.  I don't feel i am dependent on people on here, pls if i am pls tell me.  I just know that i need people to talk to, vent or just know that someone on here is listenting.  


BPD is so so hard to deal with, it is hard to work out.  I know i have a lot of work to do still, but i just can't delete all of you from my life.  I remember my psych saying to me 'but you don't know these people on the forum".  He is wrong.  Even though i don't know you all in real life, to me it feels like there is a connection,  we understand each other, and it doesn't matter what mental health issues we have, or physical issues we are all here to support each other.


I think the professional people don't get it.  they don't get the connections we have.  they don't understand what it's like to feel and be so lonely.  To say to someone "just go for a walk like everyone else does" is so wrong.  If i am in the middle of an emotioanl outburst or i can't regulate my emotions at the time how can i just say to myself 'ok i am going for a walk'.  Not in that instant i can't, maybe a few hours later.


Anyway i just wanted to say that i just can't give up this amazing forum.  To me you are all like family, we talk about so much stuff, that i feel i know so much about so many.


And also, a big big thankyou to all of you for your love support and kind beautiful words to me.  I didn't realise how much i was valued being on here.  It did make me cry.  


i am just so thankful that i joined Sane Forum.  Love to you all, hope to chat soon.


BB HeartHeartHeart





Re: I’m leaving

Hi @BlueBay 


So happy to see you here!

Image may contain: outdoor

Re: I’m leaving

sooo happy to see you my sister @BlueBay HeartHeart

yaaaaaa now you can stay on the forum and go for a walk sometimes too xxxxSmiley Very Happy

Re: I’m leaving

hello @SleepyPanda Smiley Very Happy and it is not sunday yet xx

Re: I’m leaving

Thank you @SleepyPanda  Heart

I just feel really blessed to be on here.  But then i feel so sad that i even thought of leaving!!!

@Shaz51  Heart I can stay and do both - walk and talk on here 🙂



Re: I’m leaving

hi @Shaz51 

I'm around on Saturdays as well.



Re: I’m leaving

hi @BlueBay 

You leaving would be very sad, you have been such an integral part of the community. We all go through difficult times, and it maybe your time at the moment, but I have seen you been so supportive of so many members here, it is okay for you to have some support, you have given so much in the past. I'm so glad you are here!.