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Re: rough time

I will do what I can to help Hon - what would you like to do @outlander - talk about your shite day or just chat away about nothing - I am getting quite good at both lol

Re: rough time

its not so much just today, its just 'everything' i guess @Zoe7
i dont really know what to talk about, i wasnt going to come online for that reason but its probably better than im at least around somewhere.

Re: rough time

I'm glad you did come on then @outlander - best to be among friends when you feel this way. We have just had an enormous storm - my back yard was completely under water, my roof has been crying and my toilet bubbling away lol - bit like a scene out of a horror movie where you know nothing good is going to happen next ...yet another reason why I don't watch horror movies lol

Re: rough time

lol! @Zoe7
oh gosh i hope thats storms not coming this way! we just got over 2 days worth of storms thankfully we have power but theres still some places that arent back on yet. a relative of mine put up they had 80mls of rain in around 2 hrs.
hopefully your backyard drains quickly! i cant imagine cat or toby would be too happy about that part!

Re: rough time

It has all pretty much drained away but that means it has gone through the garage @outlander so there will be cleaning up in there do to when it is drier. 

Toby is happily spread out on his pillow and Cat is in her room on her big bed - both are happy Smiley Very Happy

I have been planning on and off all afternoon - doing a little, posting here (otherwise known as distracting myself and procrastinating lol) but it is nearly done for tomorrow and Tuesday. I can't believe I have one week left at this school - spent so many years there and done a lot for the kids - it will probably hit me more later in the week.

Re: rough time

such cuties @Zoe7 im surprised Toby isnt sitting at your feet (or on them lol)

Procrastinating is a skill of mine too esp when it comes to the forums, talking here is much better than planning and homework stuff. ๐Ÿ˜

Oh does Tassie finish at the same time as NSW? my sisters finish on wednesday and it has come around so quick! ive had to fit in my appointments monday-wednesday as i know ill be busy once the kids finish school.
It might hit you after your finished but reassure yourself that youve done the right thing for you and moving forward too. Have they been able to transfer you to another school or do you have to wait until the new year to hear some more news around that?

Re: rough time

The kids here finish on Thursday and teachers Friday @outlander - doesn't give us much time before christmas but it is what it is. 

The HR person said she would be in touch before the end of term but that we aren't expecting a placement until into January some time. It would be lovely to know this week but I also know all the transfers happened some time ago - it is a bit disconcerting as it may be hard to place me. I do know that there are teachers that leave after the holidays though - that way they get payed before they retire ot take leave. I am permanent within the department so they will need to place me somewhere - everything crossed here that it is a school closer to home and one I can fit into though.

Re: rough time

they like to push you right to the very end dont they! @Zoe7 at least youll have a few weeks break
i hope you dont mind me asking and you dont have to answer of course but im curious but when it comes to the holidays esp the 6 week break how does your pay work? do you guys still continue to get paid during the holidays or are you expecting to save up through the yr for during those times?
Most places of buissness you only have a day or 2 off over christmas or you can take leave and then your back at work before the kids are back but its not the case for teachers.

i hope youll at least hear something by the end of term so you know where youll stand, my fingers and toes are crossed that wherever your placed will be a good fit for you. Heart

Re: rough time

We get payed over the holidays if we are permanent @outlander I will only get paid a part payment according to how much time I was on sick leave and how much I have worked this term - I am expecting about the same as I was getting from income protection so whilst I will have money coming in it will just be enough to cover the bills until I am back at work next year.

Re: rough time

ah i see , thanks for explaining @Zoe7 gosh it sucks just scraping by doesnt it

Have you been able to start your new painting yet? did your sister like her one you done?