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Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

Thanks hun I appreciate that. I know what I'm saying is most def not atypical n I think that's what bothers me more. If it was I don't think it would bother me so much. But the fact that this is just the accepted norm . Sickens me

Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator


Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

Oops bloody phone lol
Thanks very much. I figured victim support should be able to point me in right direction for victim impact statement . When I try it just sounds like unintelligible crazy person babbling n I don't want to sound like that in court as I imagine my family will try to paint me as such as it's the only weapon they have. I've spoken to various professionals even that specialise in SA etc but no one has had anything to say other than write how U feel.

Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

Couldnt have said this better myself

Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

Hi there @fkthis ,


I'm sorry things are so tough for you right now. 


As I read your posts, I'm wondering what you hope to get as you reach out here on the forums? We recognise that you are finding other services not very helpful, so we hope we can find ways to better support you.


We are sorry you have to go through such challenges, and hope there is a more positive outlook for you.


Please take care.

Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

Is that a shut up n stop posting request?

Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

No worried mate . I'm gone . Excuse me for trying hey!

Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

Hey @fkthis ,


Not at all. Rather, we hope to better understand what may be helpful for you right now and what you hope to achieve on the forums. 


As this is my first interaction with you, it's nice to be able to be on the same page.


No pressure to respond if you don't feel up to it.

Re: useless useless judgemental chat operator

@fkthisI hope you do keep posting.  No one here wants you to feel you have to stop in any way.  It just may be helpful to know if there's anything in particular you would like to get out of being here.  It might be just to vent and have people listen, which is totally fine if that is what helps you most.  Or there might be particular aspects of what you've been through that you would like advice on.  We all just want to help and support you as best we can.  You've been through so much and dealing with so much extremely difficult things that you may find it more helpful to let us know what you would like to focus on, if there is anything in particular of course. 


I know you've had bad experiences reaching out for support before and are understandably suspicious and find it hard to trust people who say they want to help so I really hope you keep in contact and let us know how you're doing.  People here will do their best to help you in whatever way you feel is the most beneficial for you.  So just continue to write whatever you feel comfortable writing and we'll do our best to help and support however we can.