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Re: I’m leaving

Thankyou @Matt12 

hope you’re doing ok. 😊

Re: I’m leaving

Glad you are staying @BlueBay
Right more I think.
But if you ever need a small break then we would all understand

Re: I’m leaving

Hi @BlueBay 


I am glad you have decided to return but I also feel it's important to speak with or email your health professionals about this and put them in the picture about the forum - that it is moderated by health professionals too and it's a safe place to be


Personally I feel we are all entitled to our own opinion even with professional people - it seems a great pity that so many people suffer stress after a professional visit and I have confronted two of my past therapists about this and found it useful and even better about the whole situation after standing my ground


I am sure they have your well-being in their heart - maybe your psyche was pushing you a bit but I hope you can explain that although you don't know where we are or who we are in real life and we certainlly don't know each other's names we know a lot about each other than we would or should share with other people. People seem to be very open about themselves here and the moderators are always there to make sure people are safe.


People are using on-line communities more and more now and it is a different medium of course but imo there is nothing weak about belonging to one or missing people when we don't come on-line. And it's also okay to take time out - people do this at times - sometimes telling us - sometimes just taking the time


You are the only one who knows whether it is doing you any good - if you feel terrible when you don't come in most likely means you are feeling lonely and that is okay - we all need company - I am here most days myself and don't have a problem with it


And "addictive" is not a word I would use about the forum - or playing computer games or most other healthy on-line activites - it's up to you to make up your own mind and discuss your opinion with your professionals


The truth is they probably don't have no idea what happens here - we don't share personal details and I don't tell anyone else in my life what I am doing on-line - I think you just need to explain how well-run this forum is and that many people just share their lives here as people did over the back fence in my mother's day - it's just different


But yes - have your own mind and let your professionals know what you intend - if you explain that will help them to understand



Re: I’m leaving

Hi @Owlunar  I did start writing an email to my psych but then deleted it. I’m going to type it again and don’t send it until tomorrow. 

I need to let him know how I use the forum and that there are moderators. 

I always worry about what he’s thinking of going to say but I’m not seeing him until September and that’s too long to wait to tell him in person. 

I will talk to my doctor this week and I’m going to let him know how I felt when he told me to “go fir a walk”. He needs to know how Sane forum runs. 


I do find it difficult to give my opinion but I need to learn snd do it. 


Re: I’m leaving

Hey @Owlunar @MDT @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Razzle @SleepyPanda  and others 


I’ve done it. I’ve emailed my psych snd told him everything about Sane forum. Told him it’s moderated 24/7. that we talk about our mental health but also social like reading knitting or garden. 

Told him I have a coping plan set up and is emailed to me by moderators if need be. Told him I can’t stop using the forum altogether. I will try to reduce my time but nit completely. 

Also told him I find it extremely hard to talk to him. Thst I feel because he’s the professional thst I don’t have an opinion and if I did tell him something thst he would be angry with me and then hate me. 

I really hope he can understand what I wrote. And doesn’t get sngry with me. 

Lets wait and see. 

BB xxxxx

Re: I’m leaving

Sounds like great communicating @BlueBay .... go you ❣️

Re: I’m leaving

Way to go @BlueBay - you did it and it seems like it was well thought out and to the point. The trick now is to not worry about when/if you get a reply and beat yourself up in the meantime. You have done a really brave thing now keep being brave and move on with your days ahead with the same attitude that you had today - you cannot control what others do - you can only control how you feel and react to things yourself.

Re: I’m leaving

@Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope 

He replied just now. Omg. 

He thsnked me fir expressing my thoughts. He agreed that sane forum is beneficial but it was the frequency he was questioning. He says there is misunderstanding and he is going to bring next appt forward so we can discuss this. 

He wants me to reflect my anger and talk to him. 

I think my email was good. I was worried he would be zngry but he is prob shocked thst I wrote what I did. 

I told him that I feel he doesn’t understand BPD or childhood sexual abuse because I feel broken my heart is broken. He said he is happy to talk this through. 

Omg I did it. 

Now I need to write something to my doctor. 

Re: I’m leaving

That's really great @BlueBay  - you have done all you can to respectfully defend your use of the forum and for that matter - defended all of us - and it sounds as if you have done really well


There is no need to worry about him becoming angry with you - he's a professional and knows he needs to learn all he can about activities that can really help people who have mental illness


You've done a good thing - now you don't have to worry about that any more - all you have to do is wait and see what happens


Well done



Re: I’m leaving

That's fantastic @BlueBay 



