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Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?

Me too @Smc .... ❣️

Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?

Hope things went ok today @Smc

Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?


Thinking of you and family tonight

Hope the day went as well as it could and daughter has settled in ok.


Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?

Thanks all.

Today went well, except for the crawl home in rush hour traffic, but can't help that.

She was unusually quiet on the trip down. Her room's nice enough, the staff we met seem friendly. Now we wait to see how the group sessions go.

Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?


Thinking of you.

Trust you have recovered from the drive and daughter has settled in. 

Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?

thinking of you @Smc and your family xx

hugs and how was today Heart

Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?


Trust daughter has settled in ok and no issues for you today.


Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?

@Determined, @Shaz51 et al, so far, so good.

It sounds like they're easing her into the group sessions. She went to one today, did have a panic attack, but they talked her through it and she managed to stay until the end of the session. That's a bit of an achievement. 🙂

She's finding the general tone of the clinic a bit more relaxed than the other one she's been to. Still finding food difficult, but I've suggested she could start talking that through with the staff while she's there. Hope she does.

She said she didn't sleep last night, or the night before. Maybe tonight will be better in that regard.


We're recovering. Spent a big chunk of today out doing assorted errands, had a late (mid afternoon) lunch when we finally got back home.

Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?


Continue to keep your family in thoughts and prayers . Trust all is well as it can be for your daughter and she can see some positive progress in coming days /weeks. 

Re: Dissociative Identity Disorder Carers?


Wondering if you managed to put together enough to have a garage sale?